Informationen zum Spiel
Auch bekannt als: | Knight's Chase (alternate title) |
Entwickler: | Infogrames |
Herausgeber: | I-Motion |
Kategorie: | Adventure |
Jahr: | 1995 |
Mehr Details: | Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | Action-adventure, Time travel, Knights Templar/Holy Grail |
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Time Gate: Knight's Chase: €1,79 (-€5,20) | |
To fight, press Enter and select fighting mode on the right side of the menu. Go back to the game, then press and hold the Space bar to get into the fighting stance. Press the right arrow key to punch.
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Screenshots des Spiels
Time Gate is an adventure game from the creators of Alone in the Dark which runs on the same engine and plays very similarly. However, instead of supernatural Lovecraftian horror mysteries, this game revolves around a time travel plot, sending American law student William Tibbs back into the time of Knights Templar to rescue his French fiancée Juliette.
Just like Alone in the Dark, the game uses 3D polygonal models for characters against hand-painted 2D backgrounds that show the locations from different angles depending on the player's position. This makes navigation and especially combat a bit difficult to manage, but if you're familiar with Alone in the Dark, that should pose no problem. In spite of a change of settings, Time Gate is still happy to throw zombies and other monstrosities at the player, who often has nothing but fists to fend them off.
The playable demo contains a few locations from the full game and the complete CGI intro cinematic. Saving or loading games is disabled in the demo version.
Beschreibung von MrFlibble
Screenshots des Spiels