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Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon

Informationen zum Spiel

Auch bekannt als: Space Quest 3 (short title), SQ3 (common abbreviation)
Entwickler: Sierra Entertainment
Herausgeber: Sierra Entertainment
Mehr Details:MobyGames, Wikipedia
Gebundene Spiele: DOS & Windows, Text parser, Space Quest, Sierra's Creative Interpreter (SCI)

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Titel des Spiels Shop
Space Quest 1 + 2 + 3: €3,00 (-€6,19) GOG.com


NOTE: This game can be played under Windows using the ScummVM engine recreation (see the links section below).


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Screenshots des Spiels


Narrowly escaping the events of Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, Roger Wilco's escape pod floats through space. As just another metallic item of junk, it's soon picked up by an interstellar garbage hauler. Waking up in a pile of trash, quite familiar for this janitor-turned-hero, Roger Wilco must somehow escape. Once given access to the rest of the galaxy, he'll soon find himself having to avoid a collections cyborg for payments overdue, dealing with the corporate prison of software company Scummsoft, and having to digest the greasy food from the galaxy's finest hamburger joint. All this and he might be expected to get the high score playing Astro Chicken (tm) also!

Space Quest 3 is a graphical adventure. The mouse is functional for movement and inventory access, however the game primarily relies on a text parser for specific commands and manipulation of objects on screen. In addition to the regular game, there is also a simple non-scrolling Astro Chicken game that's playable, as well as a radar screen representation for ship-to-ship space combat.

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