Informationen zum Spiel
Auch bekannt als: | Pirates! (alternate release title), Sid Meier's Pirates!: Action and Adventure on the Spanish Main (tag-lined title) |
Entwickler: | MicroProse Software |
Herausgeber: | MicroProse Software |
Kategorie: | Adventure |
Jahr: | 1987 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | Sid Meier's series, Pirates!, Historical events |
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Pirates! Gold Plus: €1,09 (-€4,40) | |
This multi-game demo includes non-playable demos of Gunship, F-15 Strike Eagle, Sid Meier's Pirates! and Silent Service.
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Screenshots des Spiels
In Pirates! you become a 17th-century privateer captain searching the Caribbean for new ships and cities to plunder. Using your sills as a sailor, swordsman, merchant and captain, you must navigate reef-strewn waters to seize the fabled treasures of the Spanish Empire. From the excitement of attacking Spanish galleons to the romance and intrigue of foreign ports, Pirates! lets you relive the era of the buccaneer.
This is not just a game of sea battles, but a unique program combining the realism of simulation, the fun of the arcade and the interaction of adventure and role-playing games. In the tradition of all MicroProse software, Pirates! offers hundreds of hours of stimulating game play, using multiple scenarios to ensure a continuing challenge. Varied difficulty levels provide fun for beginners and experienced players.
Pirates! is another creation by Sid Meier, designer of the best-selling simulations, F-15 Strike Eagle and Silent Service. He has reproduced the ships, waters, prevailing winds and ports of the Caribbean to provide a realistic look at the pirate era. So grab your cutlass before you embark on this exciting voyage through history.
Beschreibung von MicroProse Software
Links zum Spiel
- The Lost Tavern (Sid Meier's Pirates!)
- Pirates II (Pirates! remake)
Screenshots des Spiels