Informationen zum Spiel
Auch bekannt als: | Little Big Adventure (European title), LBA (common abbreviation) |
Entwickler: | Adeline Software International |
Herausgeber: | Electronic Arts |
Kategorie: | Adventure |
Jahr: | 1994 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | Open source, Little Big Adventure, DOS & Windows, Action-adventure |
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Twinsen's Little Big Adventure Classic: €4,99 (-€5,00) | |
NOTE: This game can be played directly in Windows using a third-party engine recreation (please see the links section below).
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Simply Amazing!
Chilling dreams of destruction and doom fill your mind. You feel compelled to warn the world, but in so doing are imprisoned by the tyrannous Dr. Funfrock. Imprisoned because of a dream? You know in your soul that you must escape somehow and discover the meaning behind this mystery.
As Twinsen, prophet and saviour, you embark on a surreal and suspenseful journey. You cross continents in your quest to save the world and stop your evil nemesis. At any moment, your enemies may overtake you, stopping you in your pursuit of the Legend. Relentless you must be, for only those who remain pure can overcome the peril that awaits.
Beschreibung von Adeline Software International
Links zum Spiel
- The Magicball Network (Little Big Adventure fan site)
- LbaWin (engine recreation of Little Big Adventure)
- Little Big Adventure 1 source code (GitHub)