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Informationen zum Spiel

Auch bekannt als: Мираж (original Russian title)
Entwickler: Yuri Shpeer, Vladimir Rybinkin
Mehr Details:Wikipedia
Gebundene Spiele: Liberated (former commercial), Chess

DOS-Spiel online spielen

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DOS-Spiel online spielen

Dieses Spiel herunterladen

Wählen Sie eine der folgenden Dateien zum Herunterladen aus.

Datei Details
  • mirage.zip
  • ausführbare Datei: CENTNET/LICNE/BOOKEDIT.EXE
  • version 15.26 / 17.08 (possibly latest)


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Screenshots des Spiels


Mirage is a fairly strong chess programme characterised by aggressive playing style that will likely prove challenging to novice players. In the early to mid-90s, it successfully participated in several chess computer tournaments, as well as man-machine tournaments.

The game has been declared freeware and was available for download from various chess programme websites. There is some confusion about version numbering, as the version labelled 17.40 is clearly earlier than the one that shows the version number 17.08 on the title screen and 15.26 in the About menu. The latest version offers a more polished graphical interface, as well as mouse support.

Parts of Mirage's code were later incorporated into later versions of Centaur, another chess programme.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

Screenshots des Spiels