Informationen zum Spiel
Auch bekannt als: | Heretic 2 (working title) |
Entwickler: | Raven Software |
Herausgeber: | id Software |
Kategorie: | Adventure |
Jahr: | 1995 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | DOOM engine, Open source, DOS & Windows, Action-adventure, Heretic/Hexen, GPL licensed |
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Titel des Spiels | Shop |
HeXen: Beyond Heretic: €1,49 (-€3,50) | |
HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel: €1,49 (-€3,50) | |
HeXen: Beyond Heretic | Steam |
Heretic + Hexen Collection | Steam |
The demo version includes the start of the first hub, Seven Portals.
NOTE: This game can be played directly in Windows using a source port (please see the links section below).
Was haltet Ihr von Hexen: Beyond Heretic? Bitte bewerten Sie das Spiel unten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10, wobei 1 die niedrigste und 10 die höchste Punktzahl ist.
Screenshots des Spiels
HeXen... Beyond evil. Beyond hope. Beyond Heretic. While you were battling the evil forces of D'Sparil, the other Serpent Riders were busy sowing the seeds of destruction in other dimensions. Now, three brave souls have sworn to crush the evil regime that threatens to destroy the world forever. Find Korax's stronghold, destroy him and restore order in the physical world.
Beschreibung von Raven Software
To use a cheat code in most versions of Hexen, one simply types the code while playing (this also applies while in automap mode). After the last letter has been entered, a message of acknowledgement will appear at the top of the screen. The status bar and ingame view may also change, depending on the effects of the code.
bgokey: Makes the player immune to all damage excluding teleport frags, spikes, and fall damage from extreme heights ("God mode").
sgurno: Sets health to 100%.
rjohnson: No clipping (the player can walk through walls, characters, and obstacles, climb high ledges instantly, and pass through items and across all tagged linedefs with no effect).
cstika: Carnage; Kills all monsters on the current level.
crhinehart: Gives all weapons, full mana and full armor.
braffel: Full Inventory; Gives the maximum amount of each artifact.
mraymondjudy: Gives all keys.
tmoore Gives all puzzle items.
plipo#: Change player class to #: 0 = Fighter, 1 = Cleric, 2 = Mage.
bpelletier##: Warps to level ## [01-04] (does not deactivate '-nomonsters' command line option).
init: Restarts level, removes everything the player is carrying and disables cheats.
mwagabaza##: Run script ## [01-99].
reveal: First time: full automap (reveals unexplored areas).
Second time: full automap with items and enemies.
Third time: back to normal.
jsumwalt: Shows the player's coordinates and compass direction (note that these numbers are hexadecimal, and may require some practice to interpret quickly).
rrettenmund: Toggles ticks-per-frame counter.
kschilder: Display sound debug info.
pmacarther: Display version info.
ebiessman: Pig mode; turns the player into a pig with 30% health.
quicken: Type three times with short intervals to kill the player. Originally a god-mode cheat in Heretic.
rambo: Removes all weapons (excluding the first) and mana the player has. (Gives all weapons and full ammo and armor in Heretic)
wewin: disabled (wins the game; only in first demo version).
Beschreibung von VGTips
Links zum Spiel
- Chocolate Doom (Doom engine cross-platform port) Tipp
- ZDoom (Doom engine cross-platform port)
- Hexen: Edge of Chaos (Hexen sequel on the Doom III engine)
- Roland ED SC-D70 Music Packs (HQ music for source ports) Tipp
- Hands of Necromancy (HeXen/Heretic spiritual successor)