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Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness online spielen - shareware (installed)


NOTE: This game uses a DOS installer. For details on how to install a game in DOSBox, please check this tutorial.


To use the following cheats while in game mode, press the Enter key. At the bottom of the screen you will see a MESSAGE: prompt. Type one of the cheats shown below and press return to activate it. If you have typed correctly, you will be notified by the text "Cheat enabled" or "Cheat disabled".

SHOWMAP - displays the entire map
CASH - gain vast sums of resources
FASTBUILD - make those little guys work incredibly fast!

ALLOWJUMPS - Enables the following commands
ORC1 - go to Orc scenario 1
ORC2 -
ORC3 -
HUMAN3 - I think you get the idea.

Beschreibung von Blizzard Entertainment

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