The shareware version contains the entire first episode of the game, Knee-Deep in the Dead.
NOTE: This game has a native Windows version but it is recommended to use a third-party source port (see the links section below).
Type in these codes one letter at a time during the game to cheat:
IDBEHOLD then A gives you the area map
IDBEHOLD then I makes you invisible
IDBEHOLD then L gives you the nightvision goggles
IDBEHOLD then R gives you radiation suit
IDBEHOLD then S turns on berserker
IDBEHOLD then V makes you invincible
IDCHOPPERS gives you the Chainsaw!
IDCLEV##: level warp (first # is episode 1-3, second # is level 1-9)
IDDQD: toggle God mode
IDDT: shows entire map (type while in map view), type again to show monsters/items, a third time goes back to normal
IDKFA: gives you all weapons, keys and ammo
IDMYPOS: gives your coordinates (x,y)
IDSPISPOPD: turns clipping off (walk through walls)
Beschreibung von VGTips
Auch bekannt als Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny, SoD
First-Person Shooter, 1992
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo
Entwickler: | id Software |
Herausgeber: | FormGen Corporation |
First-Person Shooter, 1993
Full version, Source code
Entwickler: | Ken Silverman |
Herausgeber: | Epic MegaGames |
Auch bekannt als Alien Anarchy
First-Person Shooter, 1998
Playable demo
Entwickler: | Perceptum Informática |
Herausgeber: | Perceptum Informática |
First-Person Shooter, 1996
Full version (installed), Freeware
Entwickler: | Digital Cafe |
Herausgeber: | Ralston-Purina |
Auch bekannt als HACX - Twitch 'n Kill
First-Person Shooter, 1997
Full version (installed), Full version, Full version (installed)
Entwickler: | Banjo Software |
Herausgeber: | Banjo Software |
First-Person Shooter, 1994
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo
Entwickler: | Soft Enterprises |
Herausgeber: | Soft Enterprises |
Auch bekannt als Velocity Brawl
First-Person Shooter, 1995
Shareware (installed), Shareware, Extra
Entwickler: | Terminal Reality |
Herausgeber: | 3D Realms |
Auch bekannt als Descent 2
First-Person Shooter, 1995
Playable demo (installed), Playable demo, Playable demo, Preview, Extra
Entwickler: | Parallax Software |
Herausgeber: | Interplay Productions |
First-Person Shooter, 1996
Playable demo (installed), Full version, Source code
Entwickler: | Mind Shear Software |
Herausgeber: | Softdisk Publishing |
First-Person Shooter, 1996
Playable demo, Playable demo
Entwickler: | Titus Interactive |
Herausgeber: | Titus Interactive |