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Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Martin J. Fiedler
Mehr Details:Offizielle Website des Spiels
Gebundene Spiele: Clone, Open source, Self-published, Text mode graphics

DOS-Spiel online spielen

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DOS-Spiel online spielen

Dieses Spiel herunterladen

Wählen Sie eine der folgenden Dateien zum Herunterladen aus.

Datei Details
  • wordos.zip
  • ausführbare Datei: WORDOS.COM
  • version 1.1


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Screenshots des Spiels


WorDOS is a DOS implementation of the popular word-guessing game called Wordle. You need to guess a five-letter English words in six attempts. The game indicates whether any of the letters that you have typed occur in the target word, and whether they're in the correct position or not.

The game boasts to have a dictionary of 12,972 words, which is not limited to nouns only, like in other Wordle variants, but only offers a single puzzle per day. In DOSBox, this can be circumvented by temporarily setting a different date by typing DATE MM-DD-YYYY in the DOS prompt.

WorDOS is fairly minimalistic, and with the above limitation, other variants like WorDOSle may be more preferable.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

Screenshots des Spiels