Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Steve Fawkner, Strategic Studies Group |
Herausgeber: | Strategic Studies Group |
Kategorie: | Turn-Based Strategy |
Jahr: | 1990 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
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Titel des Spiels | Shop |
Warlords I + II: €2,79 (-€2,70) | |
The demo allows to play as the Elvallie for forty turns.
NOTE: It is recommended to run the game with the default DOSBox settings (cpu, core and cycles set to auto).
Was haltet Ihr von Warlords? Bitte bewerten Sie das Spiel unten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10, wobei 1 die niedrigste und 10 die höchste Punktzahl ist.
Screenshots des Spiels
In the fantasy Kingdom of Illuria, eight factions are engaged in a ruthless battle for complete domination of the lands. Humans, orcs, elves, dwarves and even giants — every single nation of Illuria believes that it is their right alone to rule the others.
Warlords is a turn-based strategy game with a typical medieval setting. Taking control of one of the diverse nations, the player must build up armies, conquer and defend cities, hire heroes, explore ruins and sacred places, with the ultimate goal of crushing all opposition.
Beschreibung von MrFlibble
Links zum Spiel
- LordsAWar! (Warlords II clone)
- Wargame Project (game similar to Warlords)
Screenshots des Spiels