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Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Interplay Productions
Herausgeber: Interplay Productions
Mehr Details:Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames, Wikipedia
Gebundene Spiele: Dungeon crawler

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Titel des Spiels Shop
Stonekeep: €7,99 (-€2,00) GOG.com


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Screenshots des Spiels


An original title over three years in the making, Stonekeep is a powerful and mesmerizing epic adventure redefining the traditional dungeon experience. Free from cumbersome computer tasks that destroy the reality, Stonekeep immerses the player in an environment which allows the full feeling of using their own hands and feet to do battle with disembodied foes as they rescue their allies from evil and liberate massive dragons from bondage. Players will encounter creatures so unpredictable it will engage their mind and captivate their soul.

The player will embark on a journey in discovery of himself after a virtuous goddess steals his soul under the guise of safekeeping. The player's quest is to save the universe from a certainty of doom by horrifying miscreants while searching to regain his own humanity. This game is guaranteed to steal the heart, mind, body and soul of any player brave enough to give in to the experience.

A fantasy role-playing game of paramount proportions, Interplay has committed a total of over 25 staff-years of a dedicated team of producers, designers, programmers and recognized Hollywood professionals to develop an experience that transcends the traditional limits of computer games. Full-screen graphics with 3D-rendered dungeons and creatures, bring the story and scenery to life, allowing the player to experience the full intensity of the adventure. With a distinctive interface that utilizes only the mouse and cursor keys, Stonekeep has no distracting menus or icons, allowing the player to make intuitive game decisions without delay as they span 13 spectacular domains. Heart-pounding sound effects and an original score round out the captivating experience that is Stonekeep.

Beschreibung von Interplay Productions

Screenshots des Spiels