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Sokoball of Osaka

Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Jim Radcliffe
Mehr Details:MobyGames
Gebundene Spiele: Sokoban (Soko-Ban) variant, Self-published

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Wählen Sie eine der folgenden Dateien zum Herunterladen aus.

Datei Details
  • sokosw.zip
  • ausführbare Datei: SOKOBALL.EXE
  • early release version


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Screenshots des Spiels


Sokoball of Osaka is a box-pushing puzzle game based on the same concept as Sokoban but with many additional elements like moving floors, switchable obstacles and other hazards that make the game a lot more complex.

Author Jim Radcliffe distributed Sokoball of Osaka as shareware. The game included several pre-made levels and a demo of the level editor, which allowed to save user levels but not add the new features into them - this was only reserved for registered users. So levels created with the unregistered version were more like original Sokoban puzzles.

Eventually Sokoban fans asked Jim Radcliffe to create a more traditional style game with the same graphics, and supplied their levels for that version, which became Sokoban 1994.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

Screenshots des Spiels