Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Georg Rottensteiner |
Herausgeber: | Byte Wizard |
Kategorie: | Shooter |
Jahr: | 1994 |
Mehr Details: | Offizielle Website des Spiels, Wikipedia |
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Use the arrow keys to control the movement. To shoot, hold an arrow key and press the Space bar. To initiate reprogramming, make contact with a robot and press the Space bar.
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Screenshots des Spiels
Short Cut is a mixture of a top-down action game and a puzzle, inspired by the Commodore 64 game Paradroid. The story is set on a space ship where all service robots have been reprogrammed by hostile agents, forcing the crew to evacuate. The player controls an "influence device", which can take over the robots by overriding their circuitry, thus being able to fully control one robot at a time.
The ship has multiple decks interconnected by elevators, and the objective is to clear all decks of the robots by reprogramming them or destroying them with weapons. Different robot types have different shield and weapon power levels, as well as varying complexity of their circuitry. The player controls the influence device or a reprogrammed robot in a top-down view, while the reprogramming part is a puzzle minigame where it is required to mark more blocks with your side's colour than the opponent.
As with the other games by the same author, Short Cut very closely replicates the gameplay of Paradroid, but uses its own art and level layouts. The game was released as freeware.
Beschreibung von MrFlibble
Links zum Spiel
- FreedroidClassic (open source Paradroid remake)
Screenshots des Spiels