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Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Georg Rottensteiner
Herausgeber: Byte Wizard
Mehr Details:Offizielle Website des Spiels
Gebundene Spiele: Clone, Classic

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Robotix is Georg Rottensteiner's clone of Adventures of Lolo, an old console puzzle game. It may be described as a cross between Soko-Ban and BOB and his Amazing Journey Home.

The goal of each level is to collect all coloured orbs and get to the exit, but there are various obstacles and hazards that try to prevent you from doing this. Passive obstacles can be shot, but your ammo is limited and can only be replenished by picking up blue orbs. There are also turrets and tanks that will shoot anything that gets in their line of fire (i. e. the player). Turrets only activate once you pick up an orb, otherwise they're safe to navigate about. Tanks only start shooting when you have collected all orbs in the level. Both can be blocked by giant floppy disks that the player can push around like in Soko-Ban.

The game was released as freeware. There are 14 levels and a built-in level editor.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

Screenshots des Spiels