Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Dynamix |
Herausgeber: | Sierra Entertainment |
Kategorie: | Simulation |
Jahr: | 1990 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | World War I, Historical events |
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Red Baron Pack: €9,19 | |
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The year is 1914 - it is the dawn of World War I. Patriotic fervor runs high as young men across Europe prepare for a new age. For the first time ever, men will take to the air with the sole objective of blasting another airplane from the sky. Aviation is yet in its infancy. There are no books, no teachers - here and now, these young pilots must invent the skills and strategies that will keep them alive. Only the very best will survive, and they will perfect an artform all their own. These are the Aces, and this is the birth of aerial combat.
Red Baron takes you back to this bygone era, where you will experience the look, feel, and experience of aerial warfare in W.W.I. Engage in close-range dogfights, go balloon-busting to take out the aerial eyes of the enemy, take on Zeppelins, escort bombers deep into enemy territory, go undercover in nighttime missions and go head-to-head with such famous Aces as the Red Baron himself!
Beschreibung von Sierra Entertainment
Stop enemies from shooting: Place your aircraft in a forward slip by applying full rudder in either direction and using the aileron in the opposite direction to keep flying forward in a constant heading. Enemy aircraft that are in front of your plane won't shoot at you.
Get all missions: Create a backup copy of the "characters" before continuing (if something gets screwed up, replace your backed up file). Edit the original "characters" file with a text editor, and for the "MISSIONS" entry, change that value to "26".
Beschreibung von VGTips
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