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Plumber No More

Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Jani Nykänen
Mehr Details:Offizielle Website des Spiels
Gebundene Spiele: Open source, Self-published

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Press X to jump, and press again in mid-air to perform double-jumps. Hold Z to run. Enter or Esc bring up the pause menu.


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Screenshots des Spiels


Plumber No More is a fixed-screen platform game that seems to be in part inspired by Super Mario Bros., but with the main focus on jumping and avoiding obstacles.

The player needs to traverse a fantasy landscape filled with cartoonish monsters and hazards, somewhat akin to Jet Set Willy PC or Top Hat Willy, without being able to fight any of the monsters. This requires carefully timed jumps and dashes. The player can perform double-jumps to reach greater heights, and bounce off walls, to navigate the rather perilous environment. The game is quite hard and will likely require a lot of trial and error to complete.

Plumber No More was released as freeware, and the source code in C is also available.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

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