Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Vagabondo Enterprises |
Kategorie: | Traditional |
Jahr: | 1994 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | Patience/solitaire, Self-published |
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If you are new to Klondike solitaire, make sure you read the built-in help and play the default variant first to familiarise yourself with the rules.
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Screenshots des Spiels
Klondike Gold is a very nice, professional-looking version of Klondike solitaire with VGA graphics. It has decent visuals with smooth animations, and is played with the mouse. There are several game modes available, an extensive built-in help system, and a selection of different card designs.
Perhaps the biggest distinguishing feature of this game is the concept of "Double Solitaire" pioneered by its author, Brooke W. Boering. The idea is that players could connect to the now-defunct Klondike Central website via modem and receive a set of six hands, which they would need to play within one hour of real time. Up to nine other players could receive the same set and play it on the same terms, and then their results would be forwarded back to the website, allowing to compare their performance. For this purpose, the game implements a rigorous scoring system. Unfortunately, this mode is no longer available, as the Klondike Central site was shut down long ago.
What remains are several single-player game modes, termed Casual Play. There are two basic variants, Vegas and PayGo, the latter being a bit more forgiving to the player. Each can be set to be played with one or three cards being opened from the deck during a "flop".
Klondike Gold also introduces a certain gambling element in that the player's score is measured in "gold nuggets", which are either subtracted for performing game actions, or added for successfully advancing towards winning, i. e. by placing cards on the Ace row. Winning hands or at least getting as many cards on the Ace row as possible allows you to increase your virtual "wealth" and play further, while losing rounds will slowly deplete the nuggets available.
With the overall quality of the game, one could be a bit surprised that Klondike Gold was released as freeware. Author Brooke W. Boering went on to refine the Double Solitaire concept and released spiritual successors to this game, including Reno Gold, which is very similar and places an even greater focus on the gambling part.
Beschreibung von MrFlibble
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