Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Data Wave Software Technology |
Herausgeber: | Data Wave Software Technology |
Kategorie: | Puzzle |
Jahr: | 1993 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames |
Gebundene Spiele: | Clone, Tetris like, Classic |
DOS-Spiel online spielen
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Press Z and X to move the selection arrow at the bottom to pick the active well, and the numeric pad keys to steer the pieces. The number 5 key rotates the current piece.
Was haltet Ihr von Floatris? Bitte bewerten Sie das Spiel unten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10, wobei 1 die niedrigste und 10 die höchste Punktzahl ist.
Screenshots des Spiels
Floatris is a Tetris variant that spices things up with eight wells instead of just one, which are also turned upside-down compared to the original Tetris game. Some original non-tetromino pieces are also added into the mix.
The game starts at a relatively slow pace, with pieces appearing in one well after another so there's enough time to switch between wells. But as the game progresses, more pieces starts to appear in different wells at once.
Floatris was marketed as shareware and the unregistered version can be freely copied. Registered users would receive an updated game with more piece types and other bonuses.
Beschreibung von MrFlibble
Screenshots des Spiels