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Crillion '97

Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Pedro Ortega
Mehr Details:Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames
Gebundene Spiele: Clone, Crillion like, Allegro, Classic, Self-published

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Crillion '97 is an excellent Crillion clone made with the Allegro library. Here, instead of the usual ball, you control a funny little dude who bounces around, breaking blocks of different colours. You can also collect coins and fruit for extra bonus points, and encounter enemies who may be only destroyed if you are of the same colour.

The game has crisp, colourful graphics and plays very smoothly, and could have easily been a shareware or even commercial title, but the author released it as freeware.

According to the author Pedro Ortega, he never played the original Crillion, but was inspired by its description screenshots he saw in a German magazine that listed Amiga 500 games written in Assembler.

Beschreibung von MrFlibble

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