Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Shades of Evolution |
Kategorie: | Shooter |
Jahr: | 1996 |
Mehr Details: | Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames |
Gebundene Spiele: | Clone, Space Invaders like, Classic, Self-published |
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Cosmic Ambush is a professional quality freeware arcade space shooter game similar to Space Invaders. The player controls a ship that can fly around and shoot upwards, and must destroy as many alien craft that comes onto the screen as possible. Each wave has alien ships with different movement patterns, including the classic square formation, but also just about everything else. Some aliens will leave mines in addition to shooting the player or trying to ram the player's ship.
The player starts with a weak, slow-firing laser and a limited supply of bombs that can clear the screen of all enemies once used. Weapon upgrades and other useful powerups may be obtained from some of the destroyed enemy ships. The player's craft is protected by shields but these go down very quickly in the barrage of enemy fire, so fast manoeuvring is crucial to success in this game.
Cosmic Ambush has 31 levels, a good variety of different enemies, and nice pre-rendered backgrounds.
Beschreibung von MrFlibble
Screenshots des Spiels