Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Quicksilver Software |
Herausgeber: | Interplay Productions |
Kategorie: | Turn-Based Strategy |
Jahr: | 1996 |
Mehr Details: | Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | Historical events |
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Screenshots des Spiels
Experience nation building at its best.
Welcome to the dawn of the nation builders, an era of Feudal Lords and men of raw courage. Enticed by the lure of exploring the unknown, you cross treacherous seas in search of the New World. But be warned! Europe's conquering heroes are in pursuit of the same glory.
In Conquest of the New World, the new multi-player strategy game from Interplay, you're in command of explorers, settlers and mercenary soldiers destined to survey land, build new colonies and protect your emerging nation in the 15th century.
Beschreibung von Interplay Productions
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