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Battle Chess

Informationen zum Spiel

Entwickler: Interplay Productions
Herausgeber: Interplay Productions
Mehr Details:Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames, Wikipedia
Gebundene Spiele: Chess

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Titel des Spiels Shop
Battle Chess: €7,99 (-€2,00) GOG.com


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Screenshots des Spiels


Choose Your Weapons Wisely

There is darkness over the battlefield. The wind sighs gently and there, in the distance, comes a flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder. With a sudden gust of wind, your warriors appear. Waiting, your King turns to you ready to order his servants forward to thier deaths in your battle to rule the field. The time has come. There can be no more delay. You make your choice- a Pawn marches forward against the darkness opposing you..

To conquer the queen's territory. you'll have to avoid her fatal flash of lightning. Now you can experience the mortal combat thrill of chess more intensely than you ever imagined! Through the modern sorcery of your CD-ROM drive, you'll be blown away by bone-crushing battle sound effects. 3D animation and stereo voices that bring your chess pieces to life. And medieval mood music while you ponder your strategy. We've taken the game of chess off the chessboard and into the barbaric fields of war!

Witness brutal executions in breathtaking animation.
Game pieces triumphantly claim new checkered territories.
By decree of the queen, learning shall be mirthful.
Your chess pieces will guide you through the game's mysteries in a most merry tutorial.
Play against the computer or a human opponent.
Let the computer play itself.
Modem capability lets you challenge opponents in far-off lands.
Ten levels of will challenge the most gallant gaming knights to the meekest gaming knaves.

Winner of Best Graphic Award from the Software Publishers Association, PC Journal Editor's Choice Award, Multimedia Worlds Reader's Choice Award, and Kid's &Computers Best 1992 Computer Game.

Beschreibung von Interplay Productions

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