Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Rhett Anderson |
Herausgeber: | COMPUTE! Publications |
Kategorie: | Arcade |
Jahr: | 1988 |
Mehr Details: | MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | Liberated (former commercial), Classic, Public Domain |
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Arcade Volleyball is a very simple volleyball simulation for one or two players. The objective is to not let the ball touch the ground on your side of the screen while trying to send the ball to the opponent so that they will not be able to bounce it back.
The game was originally developed for Commodore 64 computers, where it featured two player characters per team, but still each team was controlled by one player. The later Amiga port reduced this to two characters only, one per player, similar to the IBM PC version.
Author Rhett Anderson released this game into the public domain.
Beschreibung von MrFlibble
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