Informationen zum Spiel
Entwickler: | Cyberlore Studios |
Herausgeber: | Strategic Simulations, Inc. |
Kategorie: | Role-Playing |
Jahr: | 1994 |
Mehr Details: | Offizielle Website des Spiels, MobyGames, Wikipedia |
Gebundene Spiele: | Dungeons & Dragons licensee, Action RPG, Licensed title |
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Al-Qadim: the Genies' Curse is a licensed Advanced Dungeons and Dragons computer game set in the Arabian world of Al-Qadim. It is the heroic tale of a young corsair’s return home in the midst of family trouble. His family has controlled genies for generations, and recently one of their genies was seen destroying a ship on the high seas. The destroyed ship happened to have the ruler of the land, the Caliph, on board. The Caliph orders our hero’s family to be taken prisoner. The hero knows his family is more honorable than to mistreat their power in this way, and thus sets off on a quest to find proof of their innocence. The Caliph gives him a short time to find proof before his family will be executed.
Along the way, the young warrior stops off at many island locales where he is challenged by deadly monsters and puzzles. He even visits the lost magical isle of the genies where the most powerful genies in the world dwell. Midway through his journeys he returns to Bandar al-Sadat, the capital city where his family has been imprisoned. His father informs him that he is unable to control his genie, and of an ancient phenomena called ‘the genie’s curse’ which is something which could be used by less honorable people to take control of any genie.
In the final few moments before his family is to be executed, the hero finds a way to break the curse and again control the genie belonging to his family. He comes back to Bandar al-Sadat a true hero.
Beschreibung von Cyberlore Studios
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